Friday, September 01, 2006

Free Software List

Right here we go after numerous of request I have been asked what free software do you use and can we have a list of the applications you use Paddy. So I have decided to blog a post based on the free applications I use on the Mac (maybe Pc!)

  • Adium - IM Client can control MSN, Google Talk, Yahoo, AIM and more
  • Clutter - Works with iTunes and imports CD Album Art
  • Chicken of VNC - VNC app to connect to other computers Mac's and Pc's
  • Firefox - Web Browser useful if sites dont support Safari
  • Flip 4 Mac - Windows Media Connector for content on the web
  • Gmail Notifier - App runs and tells us when you mail arrive
  • Handbrake - Ripping DVD to Computer with advanced settings
  • Instant Handbrake - Ripping DVD to Computer easy selection for iPod or PSP
  • iSquint - Converting exisiting files on your mac for iPod format
  • Mac the Ripper - Ripping DVDs too
  • OpenOffice 1.5 - The competition to MS Office has all the apps like Office and more **
  • VLC - Playing nearly every type of media and sometimes will play other region DVDS

Just to let you know that OpenOffice is currently in windowed format and doesnt look great in Mac OSX but news just came in that around 15 sept of so a full OSX version is due to be released. It will be called OpenOffice 2.0